Sunday, May 6, 2007

Preparing the suitcases

It is told that there was a man who had much goods, and who even so was not managing to be happy. One day in a conversation he heard on a wise man, who was grasping a distant land, and who this wise man was receiving the persons, and after a conversation with such a wise man, the life of the persons would start to be different.

Soon it woke the interest of knowing the wise man. It planned in advance the travel, and in the marked day it left to the meeting of a man who might help him.

It reached the destiny, and it was a quite small city, soon he tried to know for the wise man that around there he was living. The persons informed that he would have to mark the meeting, since there were some persons to his front. He so the fez, and in this space of time it found persons who really were glad because of having talked with the wise man.

When his time is arriving he approached watched it that the wise man was a man who was showing forty and a few years, he was living "alone" and his house that was very humble.
He with certain arrogance asked:

Is the man, a famous person, and they say to be very wise, and where his goods are?
Then the wise man looked at the eyes of the man, and said; goods? where his are?
Quickly it answered, I am a tourist, I am alone of passage.
I answered the wise man also.

This story brings me the memory some words of Jesus.

Matthew - 06: 19-do not join treasures in the land, where the moth and the rust completely consume, and where the thieves mine and steal;
20-but join treasures in the sky, where the rust does not even draw it not even they consume, and where the thieves do not mine they do not even steal.
21-because where your treasure will be, there heart will be also yours.
22-the lamp of the body they are the eyes; so that, if your eyes are good, the whole your body will have light;
23-if, however, your eyes will be bad, your body will be dark. If, so, the light that in you exists it is darkness, how big such darkness will be!
24-nobody can serve to two men; because or one will hate and to love other, or it will be dedicated to one and will despise other. You cannot serve to God and the Mamom.
25-therefore I say to you: Do not walk careful as for your life, because you will eat or for what you will drink; not even as for your body, because you will put on. Is not it the life any more than the provision, and the body more than what the clothing?
26-look at the birds of the sky, which they do not even sow, they do not even crop, do not join in granaries; and your celestial Father feeds them. Have not you much any more value of which you link?

Which luggage are we preparing? One what we are going to use for from here a few years at most, or one what we will use for all our existence.
In this short season we can prepare in some advance what we are going to use in our near dwelling. For the time being we can acquire the credits to be able to use in the best possible way when it arrives in our official and eternal residence.
Of what it forms you

In which form can you acquire such credits?

Interesting as we apply so much of our time, gifts and talents
in what it is certain what will not serve us in a quite near future.

Are you going to live even when?
After it leaves this body, which you are going to take in his luggage?
His current credits will be valid in his future.
19 and I will say my soul: Soul, you have in deposit much goods for many years; rest, eat, it drinks and rests.
20 but God said to him: Crazy! this night they will ask for you your soul; and what you have been preparing, for whom it will be?
21 So it is that what for you joins treasures, and is not rich for with God.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I have time

Poor person of the rich men who so much has
But for what it serves so much money?
The dreams are lacking
Deficient will
They are lacking the time and the freedom
They live with fear of losing something
Arrogance is left, greed is left
They are lacking the time and the hope
They are lacking to breeze and the sun of the morning
Poor person of the rich men who do not know all magic of the freedom.
I have not anything and have everything
I am rich in dreams, and poor person in gold.
Of what it imports in me if all this money
He does not buy friends, you adorn the true love.
I am lucky because I am poor
It me is left time, me dreams are left.
I have extra dreams and claw
And much hope to conquer
Lovely musicians to sing

So I have all time of the world
Because it me is left each second
Everything that I have is divided
My wealth they are my friends
My faith and hope are mine I cut.

The eyes speak

Studies affirm what seventy per cent of which the women want to say, they transmit for the eyes.
I think that we should have looked more in the eyes of the persons when we talk.
Anyone do not manage to do that and reveal very much of you themselves with this attitude.
If anybody does not manage to look in the eyes of somebody else while it talks it can be hiding something, showing complex of inferiority, or another thing that needs to be revealed.

The eyes are the lamp of the body. Our eyes show if we are full of the good or full of the evil. A glance can penetrate so deeply that none word would reach such depth.

Little before the prison of Jesus to be crucified, Peter and too many apostles promised never to deny it. But it was not what it happened. Peter denied it continuously. In the third time Jesus looked straightly at him. With this glance, Peter remembered of the conversation where this had been a treaty, went out from there, and cried bitterly.
What you and I are transmitting with the glance? Life or death? Are they selling the brilliance of eternity in our glance?

Biblical texts: Matthew - 6.22-23; Luke - 22.54-62